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COVID-19 – Orange Setting

As at 13 April, New Zealand moved to the orange setting of our traffic light system.

The key points under orange for Harbour Grounds:

– You can continue to visit our cafes and other retailers. There are no capacity limits, vaccine pass or distancing requirements.
– You must continue to wear a face mask inside our cafes and other retailers. You can take your mask off when seated to eat and drink.
– Workplaces continue to remain open at orange.
– To protect yourself and your colleagues, keep up healthy habits.

We expect this setting will mean the gradual return of more of our customers across the Harbour Grounds precinct and look forward to welcoming you back. We recommend that you stay up to date on advice from the Ministry of Health and follow any guidance issued by the authorities.

We will continue to keep you updated in line with any further government announcements.

The Harbour Grounds Management Team

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