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Your Harbour Grounds Precinct

Harbour Grounds is a working precinct in the heart of Auckland – a place for our valued customers and wider community to work, indulge and play.

Harbour Grounds is much more than a business precinct. Comprising seven office buildings and home to some of New Zealand’s most innovative national and global brands, Harbour Grounds is a working precinct that offers people the very best of work and lifestyle. Buildings at Harbour Grounds include Air New Zealand, Datacom House, Fonterra, Bayleys House, Auckland Transport, Microsoft House and KPMG.

Places to relax and enjoy lunch

Today’s workplace has evolved. More than ever, there is a need for open workspaces that promote collaboration, spaces that promote wellbeing and spaces to relax and unwind outside of the office.

The Deck (A on image below) at Harbour Grounds delivers lush green islands creating a favourite meeting place, somewhere to relax and unwind. The Laneway (C on image below) provides easy pedestrian access through the centre of the neighbourhood. Last but not least we have Anchorpoint (B on image below), a newly upgrade plaza with a spacious shade structure, created for our community to enjoy lunch breaks, events and work meetings. As part of the plaza upgrade, we will soon be opening an all-day dining destination with a mix of food and beverage options to choose from. Opening 2024.

A precinct with community and sustainability at its core

Harbour Grounds is all about promoting a place of community and individual wellbeing.  Monthly activations held on-site, such as free fitness and yoga classes, workshops, live music, markets and giveaways to help foster a sense of community and healthy minds & bodies amongst Harbour Grounds occupiers.

We believe that every small step counts in helping to reduce our  environmental footprint – that’s why Harbour Grounds is proud to partner with urban beekeepers, Bees Up Top, housing 250,000 rescue bees on top of our Air New Zealand building. The sweetener to this sustainability initiative……approximately 140kgs of sweet, delicious honey is produced from the hives each year! But we’re not just promoting sustainability high in the sky. Our newly established Worm Farm within 22 Viaduct Harbour Ave is helping to combat food waste by turning leftover lunches into nutritious compost and nitrogen-rich fertilizer to put back into the green spaces our people enjoy at Harbour Grounds.

In the world of commercial property, wellbeing, community, and sustainability are often talked about; at Harbour Grounds, they’re lived!

We would love to hear from you

Have an event idea, interested in starting a community network or have a general question? Contact Maia Poananga, Customer and Experience Manager on 


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