• Date

    Tuesday 18/4/2023

  • Time


  • Location

    The Deck (in front of Fonterra)

Secret Lives of Bees

Celebrate Earth Day and learn about the incredible lives of bees with Jessie from Bees Up Top.

When: Tuesday 18 April, 12pm-1pm

Where: Anchorpoint Plaza (Shade Structure)

You will discover how bees have coevolved with flowers over thousands of years, exist as superorganisms, produce honey, and more. Jessie will go over the fundamentals of a beehive and open a colony so that you can witness their enchantment firsthand.

Attendees will each receive a frame of bees so they may have a close-up look at these unique and important pollinators. Plus you will get a free mini jar of honey to take home. There will be beekeeper gloves, veils, and hats available.

Pay $5 to secure your spot. All proceeds will go to Trees that Count, a charity that helps Kiwis plant more native trees across Aotearoa New Zealand.

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