• Date

    Wednesday 21/9/2022

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    Location TBC

Harbour Grounds Bird Life

We are excited to announce some new tenants are moving into Harbour Grounds! 

We hope you will give a warm Harbour Grounds welcome to the birds moving into their new birdhouses next week as part of Conservation Week (5-11 September). Check out their new digs on the deck, which we are trialing as part of our commitment to helping our ecosystem.

To celebrate our new friends, join us for a talk from Kohab owner, Josie Sutherland. Get to know the magic birdlife around you, why NZ birdlife is unique and how you can help support them.

We’re also going to have some fun making some bird feeders to package up and take home with you so you can make a start on helping the birds in your own backyard or local park.

Lunch will be provided by Eat My Lunch.

When: Wednesday 21 September, 12pm-12:45pm.

Where: Bayleys Executive Lounge

🐦Book here🐦

The story of Kohab

During New Zealand’s first COVID-19 lockdown, our homes and gardens became our sanctuaries. We slowed down and had the time to take more notice of the things around us.

It was during this time that Josie Sutherland was halfway through a garden renovation. There wasn’t much to look at but mud and she realised something was missing. It was too still, too quiet. So with her daughter, Sidney, they decided to fix things, and they set about inviting birdlife in. It wasn’t long before they started to get regular visitors to their garden. They became excited by the creatures all around them. They started to see the magical world of wildlife, a secret world that was always there, how could they have missed it?

Today Kohab is a small business. They have a range of birdhouses, bird feeders and bird foods all designed to support the garden birds you find in urban New Zealand.

Their products are sustainable and made right here in Aotearoa. They pack them in paper-based materials so that they are easy to recycle from home – no plastic here, and they even have a local packaging upcycling scheme to help reduce their footprint.

Kohab wants to help you discover the secret world that is all around you. And once you start supporting the birdlife, word will get around quickly, and soon all your spaces will be full of movement and magic too.

Woman with child
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