• Date

    Tuesday 15/8/2023

  • Time

    Various times

Corporate Massages

Treat yourself a 15 Minute neck and shoulder massage by a trained therapist and enjoy a complimentary Arepa Brain Drink (best used to tackle brain fog, focus, and mental blocks). The perfect pick me up to break up your work day and relieve some stress.

Dates: 15, 16 and 17 August

Times: 10am-4:30pm

Cost: $5 per 15 minute session

Location: Various, please book for the lobby closest to you.

All proceeds go to Cancer Society for Daffodil Day.

*Massages are now sold out*

💆‍♀️Book here for the Microsoft Lobby – Best for Microsoft, KPMG and Auckland Transport occupants (15 August)

💆‍♀️Book here for the Bayleys Lobby (next to Atomic) – Best for Bayleys and Fonterra occupants (16 August)

💆‍♀️Book here for the Datacom House Lobby – Best for Datacom and Auckland Transport occupants (17 August)

Terms and Conditions

– Sessions are limited. First in, first served.

– A maximum of 2 x 15 minute sessions permitted per person.

– Customers may be required to sign a consent form prior to massage.

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